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Dark Knight is a little overrated in my opinion *Runs*

This movie isn't to serious...
This movie isn't to serious...
Now I know this might be a unpopular opinion considering the everyone seems to think it is the greatest movie ever... my first issue with this movie is the way it displays violence I mean with so many of the adult themes in this movie it seems almost comical the way the gore is in this movie I mean honestly dude gets popped in the head but no blood splatter what the fuck is up with that... now I'm not going to rag on heath ledgers performance but seriously this is not the greatest performance ever, for one he had a lot of material to look at to make his character so when I look at a really good actors performance I really appreciate when it is an original screenplay, Jim Carrey's performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is by far a superior performance but he never was hailed as the second coming of actor Jesus. Another thing was Batmans monotone voice it was honestly one of the most annoying thigns I have ever heard it was like a bear with emphysema. Overall I really think this movie suffers from it's PG-13 rating which really lead it too have to limit the expression of the Adult themes it was trying to display.